Friday, February 03, 2017


So when you're writing a piece of fiction you usually want it to be believable. So if you are describing a situation, you want the internal logic to check out. But with a few things in our society, I feel like it doesn't.

You would think that the people against guns and the people against abortion would be the same people. (To be clear, I'm not trying to make the point that one side is bad/good or right/wrong. Just that it would seem to be more believable that there's one side who prioritizes the sanctity of life and another side who prioritizes civil liberties.)

You would think the people most concerned about terrorism (enough to ban refugees) would be the people in big cities who have experienced terrorism or likely to be a target of terrorism.

You would think the people most concerned about terrorism (enough to ban refugees) would be the same people who don't want guns.

You would think that celebrities who have lots of money and fame would be more likely to favor the politicians that give bigger tax cuts to the wealthy and less likely to be social activists.

I'm just saying. Whoever wrote the script for humanity, sometimes it's not very believable.

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