Week 0 = 205 pounds
Week 1 = 200.5
Week 2 = 199
Week 3 = 197
Week 4 = 196
Week 5 = 192.5
Week 6 = 190
Week 7 = 189.5
Week 8 = 186
Week 9 = 184
Week 10 = 183.5
Week 11 = 182.5
Week 12 = 183
So this is the first week where I gained weight. It's because we got some babysitting help and went out 3 nights in a row for our anniversary. The food wasn't even that great, it was just nice to get out of the house.
Sunday morning I was 181.
Monday morning I was 182.5.
Tuesday morning I was 185.5.
Wednesday morning I was 183.
That's what happens when you go crazy and then go crazy the other way. I think it's possible that by this weekend I could be 181 again. But then I'm afraid I might catch a fever...
Has your anus started to hurt yet? Surest sign of Mark Fever.