Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tropicana Packaging: Part Two

So in January 2009, PepsiCo decided to change from the packaging on the left to the packaging on the right.

I am not a orange juice consumer but I did notice the new packaging in store. But I didn't have the luxury of comparing the old carton. I couldn't remember the straw in the orange or the type treatment. So I actually liked what I saw. In particular, I liked that every other carton was really orange and I thought the white carton stood out to me, or "popped" in our language.

And then I didn't think about it until I saw the news that Tropicana was switching back to the old packaging because of consumer demand. Consumer demand for packaging! These people seriously were upset about the picture on the box!

Here are some sample comments on an article about the redesign:

My favorite is the woman who felt scammed by paying $4 for juice with that packaging. Now of course looking at the side by side comparison, I think the old packaging is better. The orange with the straw is a good device that shouldn't be lost, and I like the more saturated orange. Plus, it's still mostly white so it should still pop.

I think it's fascinating how important a brand image is. Also it makes me laugh when I think about how people (cough Mark) would say that advertising doesn't work on them.

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