Thursday, July 01, 2010

HC now in widescreen HD

I am kicking myself for not doing this earlier. For five years, I've been posting pictures, and they've been going up as Blogger's "large" size. Which is max 400 pixels in any direction. If you had a main window width of 450, that might have made sense.

But I think in 2010 anyone can handle a 1024 width browser window, meaning, they can handle a main window of 650. So now I've upped my pictures to a width of 600. (To do those I have to go into the html code, this is not a Blogger setting.)

While the main window now applies to every page, I have to go back and edit the code for any pictures that I want to display wider. For example on my pizza post, the pictures used to be at 400 x 300. Now I've upped that 600 x 450.

For a difference of...(270,000 - 120,000) 150,000 new pixels, more than double what used to show.

But it's even worse on vertical shots. Remember that Blogger was capping it at 400 in any direction. So this Donovan collage I made was showing up as 240 wide x 400 tall, even though it could have handled a bigger width, and obviously a bigger height since the height is infinitely scrollable.

The new setting puts it at 600 wide x 1000 tall.

Old: 96,000 pixels
New: 600,000 pixels

One simple change and now it's showing up 6 times as big. And it looks great.

Similar story for this poster that would have a bigger impact on June 11.


  1. You can verify it with Google Analytics, but it's always been surprising to me how much of the internet is still using 1024x768. It's usually in the top 3 or at least the top 5 resolutions being used. Fortunately 1680x1050 and others are becoming more popular, but you may be surprised at how many people might be getting a scrollbar with the new width.

  2. Well, I was setting this thinking that a lot of people would be using 1024 width. I just took a screenshot of the width of sidebar + divider + main window, and it was 920 pixels. So I'm thinking that should be just fine, unless you're running at smaller than 1024...
