Thursday, May 07, 2015

dating with kids

I had two dates lined up. They would have been my first first dates since November 2001. I say would have been because they canceled as soon they found out I had kids.

I didn't quite expect this. I thought it would be hard for me to get dates because of my face or my body. I can't do much about my face. I've been eating well and lifting weights to do what I can about my body.

I suppose it's just another thing on the list. There are almost an unlimited number of reasons why people won't be compatible. Looks, interests, education, sense of humor, age. Kids are just another one.

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My takeaway is that there are things I can control and they are things I can't. All I can do is focus on my life. Get in the shape that I want to. Write the books I want to. Live for myself and try not to worry about the things beyond my control.

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Also, even though it seems like November 2001 was so long ago, the CD I listened to after my date canceled on me, was this one, something I was listening even before then.

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