Friday, August 07, 2020

Fortnite? Fortnite.

A couple weeks ago, my youngest asked to get Fortnite. I had never really been interested and if it was expensive, I would have maybe put up more resistance. (I didn't want to start him on violent games, but after looking at it, the game seemed cartoonish enough to not actually be violent.) But it was free, so we tried it out. And it's surprisingly fun for all ages. I can see why it became so popular.

Here was a clean run I had in solo mode. 


 Here's a fun highlight where I entered a secret room with two chests from above instead of through the wall like normal. So when someone came in through the wall expecting two chests, they found me instead. (I was a little panicked, but still managed to take care of business.)


And here's a great match that we had in Duo mode. I was on top, G was on bottom. I was killed and needed a revive from my son. 

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