I see this guy frequently on the bus. He really reminds me of Kevin Spacey, circa 'The Usual Suspects' because this guy also walks with a limp.

This is a street sign by one of the families that I teach. The first letter faded/was scratched off and now the Hebrew reads "nigger". They might want to fix that.
And now, for my coup de grace. . .

Yes, that's right. It's 'National Treasure: Book of Secrets' in Hebrew. This poster is all over the city now and I even saw it in the theater. What a date. We spent the whole time easily predicting the next thing to happen in the story. We knew it was going to be a bad, but entertaining movie and it delivered. But seriously, this poster is over so many of the street signs it's ridiculous, especially when considering how much the Earl of Sandwich talked about the first movie in the series.
Mark is the king of RISK!