Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a novel idea

Although I let the cat of the bag last July 30, this is the first official word that I am in fact writing a novel that will hopefully come out in Summer/Fall 2008.

Since this is a Hoagie Central exclusive, I'm offering a special promotion to loyal HC readers. If you submit some content, whether it's a personal story, something made-up, or just a funny thought or whatever, I'll try and work it in to the novel.

Note: this does not apply to just saying some stupid inside joke like "toast" or "hershey highway" as that is quite lame. cough mark cough.

So if you have an idea, you can be a part of the next great American novel. Just don't be lame.


  1. Good to hear! I've been very slowly working on a book that could win a Hugo Award. Maybe not, but it's definitely sci-fi.

  2. How about your own story about believing that on the day in the fall when the hour moves back, that you "can do whatever you want, because the hour won't exist" or something like that. i believe you wanted us to go streaking across the quad because we would get a do-over at 2:00 AM

  3. Like in case we screwed up streaking the first time? It's always fun having a "bonus" hour to party it up though.

    Unlike the stupid spring where you go to work at the ass crack of dawn because the clocks moved ahead.

  4. like it's realllly windy right now and very late and I don't even know what time it is but I know it's winter and the time didn't change tonight

  5. anonymous, i'd love for you to elaborate a little bit on that thought.
