Saturday, December 17, 2022

Christmas Bourbon Cream

I teased this out at the start of December. I finally made my own batch of a drink I've been enjoying for years. 

Homemade Bourbon Cream
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup (235 ml) heavy whipping cream
1 (14-ounce or 415 ml) can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup (235 ml) bourbon (I used Woodford Reserve)
pinch of brown sugar

I carefully followed the method of making the cocoa cream paste and slowly whisking it in. I assume this was to make sure all the cocoa got incorporated. Well perhaps because I used a heaping teaspoon of cocoa, it didn't all get incorporated and I was left with cocoa dots on top, that gives it a cookies and cream appearance. Which was a happy accident as I had planned on shaving some chocolate (but didn't have any) to give the top a little garnish. 

As for the taste, it was identical to the Irish Whiskey one. So go ahead and use whatever whiskey you have on hand, it's going to be just fine. I tasted it before and after adding the pinch of brown sugar, and it was not enough to be noticed. I love how the condensed milk adds sweetness and a satisfyingly thick texture. 

I think it tastes more like a chocolate shake than Bailey's but that's just me. 

In the future I could consider adding some hot chocolate powder or extra cocoa powder to see what happens if you make it more chocolatey. 

Could also try instead of chocolate, giving it a maple syrup vanilla profile. Or perhaps (inspired by Niraj's comment) some cinnamon to give it a mexican hot chocolate vibe.)


  1. Looks great/delicious! You could also try adding a dash of cayenne or chili powder to take it in a Mexican hot chocolate direction if you like that flavor...

    1. I did try adding hot chocolate powder to a glass, and it obviously made it more chocolatey. Interestingly I found it just as good, no better, no worse, than the original recipe.
