Monday, March 22, 2010

a take on the healthcare bill you can't get anywhere else

I have no idea what the effect of this bill will be down the road. One thing that it's supposed to do is cut costs over the long-term. Well, I've got a solution for cutting costs immediately.

Have you seen what a piece of legislation looks like?
Well, no wonder it's 153 pages! Look at those fucking margins! They can't fit "premium growth estimated under sub" on one line. Here's an idea: fix yo margins! Not only will it make legislature less daunting, but you'll cut your paper budget in half. Plus, you know the government has some shady deal where a sheet of paper cost 12 cents. This could save social security.

1 comment:

  1. But then you can't brag/complain about the length of the document! And that same deal probably has ink costing $12 per page too.
