Thursday, June 06, 2013

Tracking My Weight Over 7 Years

The red line is the dividing line between a "normal" BMI and an overweight BMI, according to my height.

I'm almost surprised at how long I stayed under 180, which was my wedding weight--which is sort of the dividing line between I look okay, or I look kind of chunky.

In 2009 I made a few efforts to lose weight and you see two sharp down lines, but couldn't keep below 170 for any length of time.

I had assumed that I had really started to put on weight when we moved to Denver and H was born back in late 2011. But according to my records, that's not true. I actually weighed less in April 2012 then I did in April 2011. But once we started looking for a house, doing house improvements and pregnancy #2 arrived, I really packed it on.

In fact, you can see that I gained weight during both pregnancies, although quite a bit more during the second one.

Although this chart makes assumptions. Let's look at the raw data:

The first chart is fairly accurate through 2009 because I didn't go too long without weighing myself and tracking it somewhere. But from November 2009 to October 2012 there are four straight lines, that assume I was gaining and losing at a steady pace. Particularly, it assumes from April 2011 to April 2012, I started losing weight right away. It's likely those parts should have some flatter sections and some steeper sections.

Anyways, I'm optimistic that 2013 will be the biggest downward line yet, matching 2007.

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