Wednesday, March 26, 2008

finding new music

So I don't listen to the radio or watch music channels on tv, and it's not that I'm not discovering enough new bands, the problem is being notified that bands that I like are making new cds.

Can't there be a notification system that I put in my artists I like, and it emails me when Jack Johnson has a new cd? Is that too hard?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I actually did something similar for movies, to try and get notified when actors I like have upcoming projects. It's an RSS feed of the IMDB page for the person. For instance, this is my feed for Steve Carell's movies:

    I can whip up something similar to scrape upcoming CDs into artist feeds (I was actually already thinking of doing so). In the meantime, you can search these pages for your favorite artists...the first link even has some projections for next year:
