Matt really wanted Duke and went up to 10, but Mark went to 10.25.
I went up to 3.50 for the 9 seeds, but Matt went to 3.60
Mark bid 1.10 on Virgina Tech after it was sold to Niraj for 1. It's a good team at a low price but they're in the Duke bracket. Could be a crazy steal.
Matt got Kansas for 1.75...another possible steal.
Iowa State for 1.3 is another steal, but I already had too many teams in that region
I didn't want LSU but got a 3 seed for 1.55
Pick I was excited about was Nevada for .90
The last big what if was the 11 seeds. I really wanted them for Belmont and St Mary's....but Matt and I were the only teams with money left. So I decided that either I would get them, or I would make Matt use all his money and I could take what's left.
I could have probably gotten Louisville, Wisconsin and Marquette if Matt had outbid me for the 11s.
And my very last pick, I got Miss State over the 15 seeds.