Saturday, October 31, 2020

Weight Loss by Month: October 2020

August:       12 pounds

September:  7 pounds

October:       8 pounds

So that's 27 in the last three months. I started 80 pounds above my goal weight which is crazy and awful to think about...but only 40 pounds above what I was in Colorado. By losing these 27, I've already gotten to the lowest weight that I've been at my current job, so that's something. 

And it's not like I have to get to my goal weight to see a difference. I'm already down a shirt size. It's a noticeable change. 

So for now, focused on two things: keeping the progress going through a season that includes my birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas and reaching that 40 pounds lost total, back to where I was when I left Colorado. 

- - -

Every month that I'm losing weight I'm gaining wisdom. A couple realizations about special occasions. 

1. The first is one that learned a long time ago. If you have a tendency to overeat and give yourself permission to do so on special occasions, you can find special occasions all the time. Just in October alone, I had an anniversary, good news from work, bad news about Rocky, Halloween, primetime Chiefs games and more. If you count Friday nights and meeting up with friends as reasons to treat yourself, well, you might have more special occasion days in a month than non-special occasions. 

2. On the other hand, when you do have a legit special occasion. Anniversary, Thanksgiving, Christmas, it's not the one day or one meal that's going to throw you off. It's turning an anniversary into a weekend of eating or Thanksgiving into a week or Christmas into 2 weeks. I mean, I've had some good Christmas runs where I eat a ton of Hickory Farms meat cheese and crackers followed by slices of pie when I'm not even hungry all between meals. But that's where I get into trouble. In October, I was able to have a big anniversary dinner and get right back on track the next day. Gotta keep that same energy through the holidays. Easier said than done, of course. 

1 comment:

  1. Killer progress! And I always appreciate the insight you have in these posts, there's some solid takeaways.
