Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Fantasy vs Real

I hate fantasy/mythical/folklore/anything with dragons.

I generally don't like superhero stuff.

I generally don't prefer animated movies either.

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In my head, my best answer for those preferences as that they're "not real."

But I like a ton of things that are not real. I love time travel and groundhog day style movies. Mission Impossible is my favorite franchise and it's far from real. Things happening in Inception and Tenet are definitely not real either. 

So what do I mean by real? I think it means that the characters are real people. They might be in unreal situations like time traveling or taking each others faces off, but they're real humans. There's no dragons flying around (or trolls or orcs) or talking cats or people with mythical superpowers. For me, I'm discovering, that movies are about exploring the human experience, even into the realms of impossibility, but if it's not happening to real humans, I don't care about it.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a post about fantasy football. I was greatly disappointed. Please fix.
