Monday, August 12, 2024

Mark Fever 2024

Mark Fever at the same time as Olympic Fever? This could get dangerous.

Our St. Louis adventure began with me picking up Mark and going to Hotshots (Webster Grove area) for wings, burger, and beers.

We played some darts, starting with a game of cricket.

This was a particularly nice round of mine. It was pretty tight, as soon as one of us would close a number to open up the scoring, the other person would come in and close it off for good. I just closed (opened?) 19 so I could start scoring on it, when he comes in with a triple 19 and closes it for good.

But I had a decent lead throughout and it was never really in question. Sally for the win.

Then we played 301 and Mark had some chances to win, it came down to the final double-out and I got mine first. 

From there we headed to Puttshack for some high-tech mini golf.

Mark took an early lead, then I stormed back with a bank shot hole in one.

Heading into the last hole, I was up 20, but botched my shot and only got 30 pts.

Here's mark, down 50, about to take his final shot.

And he actually hits the yellow 50. So we tied.

We look up and there's a fun animation revealing the winner as:

No explanation of why my 385 is better than Mark's 385, but I did have more holes in one, so that must be the tiebreaker.

Pretty bananas. Mark definitely had a right to be pissed.

We stayed at Puttshack for some drinks and to have our Fantasy Football Owner's Meeting. This was the main event and it lived up to top billing.

The next morning, Mark and I went back to Unger Park for a rematch of the 18-0 skins game from 2021.

One nice feature was many holes now had disc charging stations:

Thru the front 9, I was up 5-4. I think it was the 7th where there was a Mando (mandatory) to go right of a tree, and after three shots I still went left of it. So I lost that one pretty handily. 

Unfortunately for Mark, no more Mandos on the back 9. I clinched the match on the 15th hole, up 10-5. We tied the last three, so 10-5 was the final. Mark definitely redeemed himself from the 18-0 game, credit where credit is due.

After disc golf, I had lunch with Mark's whole family at Fitz's. And now I know the secret to parenting: one water with ice, one without.

A great trip. Mark traveled 10000km to be here and I only had to travel 400.

1 comment:

  1. It must be known that Dave also closed "floor" in cricket. I joked after two of his darts landed in the carpet that he would lose points for "closing the floor", one of his next rounds left two in the carpet. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

    Short but sweet. What a blast. I'm so happy I won 5 skins of disc golf.

    No mention of a new fantasy league?
