Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Lyrical Analysis

This post is about the lyrics of a band called New Found Glory. But my findings can be extrapolated across a lot of other bands, particularly in this genre.

I've always noticed that their songs all seem to be about the same thing: relationships. Not only that, their songs seem to use the same structural technique of addressing an unnamed female as "you."

Example lyric: "Distance means nothing to me, it only makes me want to see you longer."

There's nothing notable or wrong with this lyric in theory. It's just that it seems that every song they write does this. So I thought I would crunch the numbers. How many of their songs are about relationships? And how many address the subject of the song as "you."

There you have it. 90% of their songs are indeed about relationships. And all but two are ostensibly from the lead singer to some girl directly. Those two are "Vegas" and "Boy Crazy." Both of those use "you" talking to guys about girls.

One of the eight that didn't count as being about a relationship is called "Failure's Not Flattering." It uses the "you" structure and you could make the case that it's referring to dating, but since it wasn't obvious I didn't count it.

These results can only lead to so many conclusions.

1. The singer is writing songs that are fictitious.
2. The singer has written multiple songs about the same girl.
3. The singer has been in 75 different relationships.

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