Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sonic's Jr. Candy Sundae is deceiving

We like Sonic. They have good stuff. We saw they had a new menu item: a Jr. Candy Sundae for a dollar. They even have a picture on the menu:

So we ordered it. Here's what they gave us, with a dollar for size reference and a reminder of what we paid for this.

For more ads vs reality, follow this link.


  1. I had one the other night, and I was annoyed too! Mine was just as pitiful as yours. NOT COOL!

  2. They did have a cherry on it so you would have a reference to gauge the size. Now it is harder with no other reference, but it is something.

  3. In the picture on the menu it is overflowing, but in the real pic it's only a third full. That really sucks. Thanks for posting this, now I know to stay away.

  4. lmao, thanks for postin this~~!!!

  5. They're small, but in my opinion still worth it. They taste delicious for a buck.

  6. I agree that they're really small, but the one in the picture looks even smaller because it's melting. I like the size and the price. After a soccer game or a meal, we sometimes go for ice cream. At Sonic I order candy sundaes, so my son and I don't eat too much junk food or pay a lot for a treat.

  7. i wanted to thro mine in the persons face who brought it to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
