Thursday, July 29, 2010

If I had a band...

it would be called Simple Machines.

Our first album would be called Wheel and Axle. It would get things rolling.

The follow-up would be Lever. It would be a sophomore slump.

We'd take a little time off and come back with Inclined Plane. It would represent taking things to new heights.

After the success of our third album, we'd go on a worldwide tour. There would be band friction. Egos would get in the way. Our fourth album would be Wedge.

Overly bitter, we'd fulfill the last of our 5-album contract and then immediately break-up following the release of Screw.

After a few years without money, we'd come back for a reunion album and try to recapture the sound of our third album with Pulley.


  1. How/why did you come up with this? It's brilliant :)

  2. I called it.

    But HELLO, what would you PLAY IN THE BAND. This is important.
