Saturday, July 10, 2010

HOW TO: make thin pancakes

As I wrote a few weeks ago, the only pancakes I really like are the thin ones my Grandpa would make. I don't have lard, and I don't have a cast-iron skillet--mostly because it sounds like too much work. But I digress. He didn't have an official recipe, he just eyeballed everything.

So here's how I made mine this morning.

1 cup flour
1 cup milk
2 eggs
a little bit of fat (vegetable oil or butter)

That's it. Today I used canola oil. All the recipes online recommend cooking them in melted butter. So I figured instead of adding butter to the batter, I'd add oil. Whatever.

(I actually experimented with a different recipe I found online this morning. They told me to mix the flour and eggs together first. Well, that just creates eggy flour balls that never mixed with the milk. Terrible. Had to throw it out.)

So yeah, mix the flour and milk together first, then add the egg, and oil.

So I put my pan on medium heat, and let a pat of butter melt in the middle. Then I pour the batter into the butter zone. This helped keep the edges relatively circle like. The one time I tried it without a butter radius, the edges wanted to drip away from the middle like windex streaking down glass.

This batch made about 5 or 6 medium size pancakes. I top them with WARMED syrup and brown sugar. It looks like a crepe, tastes like awesome.

(1/20 - f6.3 - ISO1250)

I feel like I'm honoring Grandpa two ways: 1) By continuing the tradition of making pancakes his style. 2) My pancakes will never taste as good as his.

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