Friday, July 02, 2021

Weight Loss by Month: June 2021

June: 3 pounds

57 pounds lost in 11 months. 

I started June at 186. Right after Peoria, I was as high as 189 and then got down to 181 before my Billings trip. I was 182 for most of late June. So I'm 183 today but should be temporary Billings weight. I bet in a few days I'll be down to 181 again. 

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11 months of progress in a row. I've got a family vacation to Chicago the last week of July so I'll need to record progress on July 25. My goal for this month is to cross into the 170s. Cross the 60 pound lost mark. 

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In early June, I got a shipment of medium shirts just to see how far away I was from wearing them. I was absolutely floored that they fit. 185 is about the upper limit for mediums on me, so they'll fit even better at 170 but they fit. I don't have an exact goal, but I'm thinking somewhere between 160 and 170. 

Just a little over three weeks left for me to reach my one-year of progress post.

1 comment:

  1. Beware of Mark Fever. It's known to cause weight gain... among other side effects.
