Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Top Ten of 2023

Another great year full of personal accomplishments, incredible travel, work success, seeing these kids grow up and become amazing people. These are for sure the good times. The years that I'll look back on when I'm old and remember how much fun, how rewarding it was to have everything that is in my life right now. 

Turns out I post a lot during football season and not so much in the off-season. That's okay. Lots of good posts this year. 

Honorable Mentions

I love getting some craft sodas, tasting and rating them. 

9. Skateboarding Mixtapes: Tony Hawk and Session
I can't skateboard in real life, but I can on the PS5. 

8. Andy Reid: Mount Rushmore Coach and a special Thank You
Two posts about an all-time coach. 

A recurring post where I tried to make sense of what's going on in the NFL. 

Finally answered one of the biggest questions in sports fandom.

I actually made a bunch of money in Vegas. Was this close to something crazy. 

A really great visit full of games, nightlife, and good eats.

2. Super Bowl LVII Coverage

and for the first time ever, the best post of the year wasn't written by me: Number One

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